Food Sharing System Proposal

Submitted by Monica Bhatia on
Proposal Status

Food Sharing System Proposal

Crafted by Monica Bhatia

Proposed 8/12/2019


Purpose: To encourage the sharing of meals and of food resources with the goal of encouraging a more close-knit community environment, cutting costs, and saving resources


Managership: A food manager will be selected by the community to oversee the implementation of this policy. At the beginning of each month, the food manager will post a list for community members to sign up for cooking or cleaning shifts. The food manager will organize weekly trips to the grocery store in order to acquire ingredients for the following weeks meals as well as other staples for the house.


*Do we want two managers? One could be responsible for grocery shopping and the other for the sign up sheets or something similar


Division of Labor: In a 31 day month, there will be 31 cooking shifts and 31 cleaning shifts. The total number of shifts will be divided by the number of residents of the community and rounded up to the nearest whole number in order to determine how many shifts each person is responsible for. Each person should do at least one cooking and one cleaning shift per month but otherwise may divide the shifts between cooking and cleaning as desired.  Residents will be able to sign up for shifts at their own discretion as long as they do the allotted number of shifts each month and sign up far enough in advance for ingredients to be purchased.


Budget: At the beginning of every month, each resident of the community participating in the food sharing system will pay into a community food budget as determined by the community. The food manager will be responsible for budgeting of this fund. A resident may reduce their payment into the community food budget by volunteering at a local farm and donating their CSA box to the community or by donating their food stamps to the community


*Monica is thinking $100/month


Cooking Shifts: A person with a cooking shift will be responsible for cooking dinner on their assigned night for the community in line with the dietary restrictions of all community members. This person will sign up before the weekly grocery store trips notifying the food manager of what ingredients they need to cook their meals or will be responsible for acquiring the ingredients on their own.


*Probably want to pick a time or time frame for this. 

Ex. must be between 6-9 PM or around 7:30 PM

*Do we want to always do dinner? Do we want it every day of the week?

Ex. Sasona does dinner 6 days/week and brunch one day a week or we could just do 6 days a week and have a day off


Cleaning Shifts: This person will be responsible for cleaning the kitchen after dinner and making sure all leftovers are stored properly.


Checks on Labor: If a person is not able to perform the allotted number of shifts, they should bring it up to the community at a meeting and exceptions can be granted on a case by case basis. A person who fails to do the allotted number of shifts without speaking to the community for two months in a row might be called for a member review at the discretion of the community.