Weekly Tasks
- take out trash to curb every sunday evening.
- keep up with weather
Before Rain
- cover anything that needs to remain dry which isn't already covered.
- move plants to rain areas if under cover.
- keep cactus dry for now
After Rain
- uncover obejcts and plants that need uncovering.
- move plants if desired
- water garden 1-2 times a day. morning and/or evening.
- dance for rain
- weed garden as needed.
- cover with mulch to reduce weeds and water retention.
- check plants are free of insects and disease.
- remove any diseased leaves if there are few.
- plant sprouted plants. ask those who may have potted them about any special instructions.
- water new trees once a week. soak the ground around them.
Mow lawn - front and back, as needed.
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